Genealogy Notes for the Ewing Family


Reid Ewing m. Margaret Ruth Harris

Reid was born 20 Apr 1913 in Wausau, Marathon Co, WI. Died 2 Feb 1995 in Winter Park, FL. Graduated from MIT in 1935 with a degree in chemical engineering.. Married Margaret Harris (b 16 Nov 1916) on 24 Jan 1941. They have two living children.


Mark Clayton Ewing m. Sadie Reed

M.C. "Buck" Ewing was born on 1 Feb 1869 in Milton, Mahoning Co, OH. He died 10 Aug 1922 in Wausau, WI. Attended high school in Cleveland; Kicked out of Hiram College, south of Cleveland, for a practical joke on the Minister (set off a stick of dynamite in the chapel steeple). For a short time he worked as an "cowboy" in the circus. Traveling salesman for Climax Tobacco (Lorillard Tobacco Co) from 1889. Used his bicycle to cover much of his territory. Became a bike racer at the fair. In 1893 he moved to Wausau, WI. Started the Climax Laundry. Was involved in the start of the Wisc Valley Elec Co. First wife: married Joanna E. Delaney 16 Feb 1895--divorced in 1903 (he thought she had been unfaithful), no kids. Big outdoorsman and hunter, foundiong member of Deerfoot Lodge on Lake Laura. Brought Boy Scouts to Wisc, was on the City Council. Married Sadie in 1909.

Married Sadie Reed on 2 Jul 1909 in Minneapolis, MN. Sadie (b 9 Dec1884-9 Sep 1927) was the daughter of George D Reed and his wife Edna Alberta Kingsbury Reed (See genealogy notes for the Reed family.) The Stevens Point Journal reported: "Miss Sadie Reed and MC Ewing of Wausau were married in Mineapolis Mon afternoon Aug 2nd by Rev Andrew D Stowe of Christ's Episcopal Church in the presence of only a few of the immediate friends. After an outing of a week or two at Madison Lake, a popular summer resort near Minneapolis, they will return to Wausau where they will be at home to friends after Sept 1st. The bride is a daughter of Mrs Alberta Kingsbury Reed, formerly well known inthis city, her childhood home. The daughter has also visited here many times and has a considerable number of personal friends here. The groom is the treasurer and general manager of the Wausau Street Railway Co."

In 1914-15, they purchased a farm three miles north of Wausau. on old State Hwy 10, now Hwy 51. Became a big dairy farm. Mark and Sadie are buried in Wausau, WI. After MC and Sadie died, George and Freda adopted and raised them.

Both MC and Sadie are buried in the Pine Grove Cemetary in Wausau, WI.

1910 census Marathon CO, Wausau, 4th ward p 124A: M.C. age 41, manager of street railroad, and wife Sadie age 26.

1920 cant find them

1930 census for Marathon Co, Merrill WI dist 11, page 47: George age 53 owner of pulp mill, Freda age 45, Clayton age 19, Reid age 16, Lloyd age 14 and Marcia age 8.)



Mark Clayton Ewing Jr. (b 14 Jun 1910 d 1982)) married Janet Lawton, children: Mark Clayton (20 Feb 1937) m. Judy Earp and Marcia (1 Jun 1935) m. Howard Tuthill Jr..

Reid Ewing (b 20 Apr 1913-1995) see above.

Lloyd Ewing (b 16 Dec 1915, d 5 Feb 1997) married Margaret Blake in 1946, children: Stephen (12 Apr 1948), Neal (4 Jun 1949), Katherine (10 Jul 1952) and Thomas (17 May 1954)

Marcia Ewing (b 27 Aug 1921-) graduated from Noprthwestern in 1943, married Wendell Wells Alexander in 1945. children: George (22 Oct 1947), Scott (24 May 1949), Glen (11 Apr 1952) and Erik (22 Nov 1957)


Harrison Jones Ewing m. Sarah Miranda Patterson

Harrison Jones Ewing was born on 14 (4?) Apr 1846 in Southington, Trumbull Co, Ohio. Died 2 May 1903 in Cleveland, OH. Title: Hon. (Judge) First 12 years of married life in Mahoning Co Ohio, then moved to Cleveland for next 25 years. Began practice in Milton, Ohio. All sons born in Milton, Ohio. Later moved to Cleveland. But were buried in the cemetary at the Newton Congregation of the Presbeyterian Church (now a Methodist church). Dr George Ewing and his wife are buried there also.

Vol I pg236 Chapter XVIII Mahoning County Bar "Harrison J Ewing was born in Milton, Ohio, was admitted to the bar at Canfield in 1876, practiced a short time in the county & removed to Cuyahoga county. He was married Nov 23, 1866 to Miss Sarah Patterson of Milton Ohio."

Married Sarah M. Patterson on 23 (20?) Nov 1866 in Warren OH. Sarah was born 27 Jun 1846 in Millton, Trumbull Co OH and died 12 Jan 1924 in Ravenna, OH. Sarah was the daughter of Hugh Scott patterson and Ann C Van Etten Patterson. Hugh Scott Patterson was born 23 Jul 1803 in Allegheny Co PA and died 20 Feb 1880 in Milton, Mahoning Co OH. Millwright in 1850, farmer in 1870. Parents born Ireland. Married Anna, age 14, in 1 Jan1829. Had 12 children. Was in Milton, OH from at least 1829-1880. Brother named William (?) born 1790, living with them in 1850. Anna Van Etten was born 12 Mar 1812 (1815?) in Milton, Trumbull Oh and died 19 Feb 1880 (?) in Milton, Mahoning, OH. (see genealogy notes for the Patterson family).

1870: Sarah and Clayton are living with Hugh Patterson, Harrison is working on his Dad's farm...

1880 census: Newburgh Twp, Cuyahoga Co OH dist 69, p. 260D Harrison age 34 attorney (OH/OH/OH), Sarah age 33 (OH/PA/OH), Clayton 11, Harry W age 5 George P age 8

1900: Cuyahoga Co CLeveland 19th ward, p 88 Harrison age 54 Lawyer, Sarah age 53, Harry W 25 lawyer, George P age 23 student, and Alma niece age 20.

1910: Ravenna Twp, Portage Co, OH p 233B Sarah age 64, sister in law,(father born Ire. English?) living with Ralph Stevens age 58 laborer, and Celia age 57 and son Lester age 12

1920 census: Ravenna, Portage, OH dist 111, p. 7B Sarah age 74, sister in law, place of birth OH/OH/OH, living with Ralph W. Stevens and wife Celia, both age 66 (?) Celia birth is OH/PA/PA, daughter (hard to read, age 40 something), Paul grandson age 23 civil engineer.


Mark Clayton Ewing (b 1 Feb 1869) see above.

George Patterson Ewing (b 14 Oct 1876) married Freda Marie Johannes (b 13 Dec 1884, d Aug 1973) in 1919 in Wausau, WI. Freda's parents are William Johannes (1 Jul 1843-11 Apr 1906) and Dorothea K (27 Feb 18430 17 Oct 1922) William and Dorothea were married 19 Feb 1863. Adopted Clayton Jr, Reid, and Marcia when Mary Clayton Sr died.

Harrison Watson Ewing (b 26 Jul 1874) Died 6 Jul 1955. Lawyer in Cleveland. Lived in Shaker Heights, OH. Married Myra (Elmyra) Lucas in 1903 and had one daughter, Marge (Marjorie Gaile Ewing, b 7 Jun 1905). Marjorie became Mrs Marjorie Ewing Terry of South Euclid. Daughter is Mrs Harlan G Hall; of South Euclid and granddaughters are Terry Lee and Dorothy Louise Hall. Is Gaile Martin Ewing her daughter's birth name--b 9 Jan 1929?


Dr. George Ewing m. Nancy Henry

Dr George Ewing was born 8 May 1823 in Trumbull Co OH. Died 18 Oct 1876 in Pricetown, Mahoning Co, OH.

He was born on his parents farm in Jackson Twp, Trumbull (later Mahoning Co). He moved with his parents to Pricetown; attended college in Columbus Ohio. where he practiced medicine in Southington, later moved to Broad St in Newton Falls Ohio. In 1854, he moved his family to his father's land in Pricetown.(across the street from the Presbyterian church. In 1868 he bought a farm on the east side of the Mahoning rivier one mile south of Pricetown. Buried with his wife at the Presbetyrian Church in Pricetown, founded in 1817. The Mahoning Co Atlas, pub in 1874--"Physician and Surgeon, also breeder of American Merino Sheep and short-horned cattle."

History of Trumbull & Mahoning Counties Vol I & II compiled by Williams 1883 Vol II pg 184 Chapter IX Milton Physicians: "Dr George Ewing had quite a large practice in the township. He settled on a farm but continued attending to the calls of his patients up to the time of his death. There have been many other physicians in the township but none that have been permanent residents."

Vol I pg 78 Chapter XI Mahoning Co Civil History: "Acting upon the feelings of the citizens here indicated, there met in Excelsior hall, the largest nominating convention ever held on Saturday June 30 1873, to nominate a county ticket favorable to the removal of the county seat, the following being the ticket: Sheldon Newton, of Boardman,representative; James E Bailey of Coitsville, auditor; Isaac Justice of Youngstown; Jonathan Schillinger of Springfield, commissioners; J Schnurrenberger of Green, Infirmary director, Henry M Boardman of Boardman, surveyor; Dr Ewing of Milton, coroner; Sheldon Newton being Republican & the other gentlemen on the ticket in their political affinities were part of them Democrats & part Republicans. This convention passed the usual member of resolutions."

Married Nancy Henry b 4 Nov 1826, d 16 Dec 1887 (alt: Henery) abut 1844-45 in place. Nancy was the daughter of Rev John Henry ( b 1 Oct 1797, d 1 May 1844) and Jane Kyle Henry( b 9 May 1800, d 7 May 1886) (see genealogy notes for the Henry family).

1850 census: Newton Twp, Trumbull Co, OH p 285 George age 27 physician, Nancy age 24, Harrison J age 4, Geo A age 1

1860census: Milton Twp, Mahoning Co OH: p 315A George age 37, physician, Nancy 34, Harrison 14, Ernest (?) age 10, Cordelia age 7, MaryJane age 4,

1870 census: Milton Twp, Mahoning Co, OH George age 47 physician, Nancy age 44, kids Harrison age 24 farm laborer, George A age 20 farm laborer, Harriet age 16 and Mary age 13

1880 census: Millton Twp, Mahoning Co, OH: Nancy age 53, living with daughter Jennie (sp?) age 23, and grandaughter (cant read first name, Wolf is last name?) age 6, who is listed as epileptic.


Harrison Jones Ewing (b 14 Apr 1846) see above.

George Aret Ewing (b 1850) married Lois Ann Force

Harriet Cordelia Ewing (b 1854) married #1 Albert J. Woolf, #2 Samuel W. Black.

Mary Jane Ewing (b 1857) married Arron C Brannon.


Alexander Ewing m. Mary Battles

Alexander Ewing was born 22 Nov 1782 in West Pennsboro Twp, Cumberland Co PA, died 21 Dec 1857 in Pricetown, Trumbell Co OH. He went west from Cumberland Co to Crawford Co with his brother William. Settled on adjoining farms four miles east of Meadville in an area known as Wayland. They married there. In the cooperage business (maufacture of tubs and barrrels). Served in the War of 1812 (under Capt McKnight, 137th Regiment commanded by Lieut Col Nelson. Honorably discharged at Erie, PA in 1814.) . Had 12 children. Donated land to form the "Ewing Cemetary". Alexander became close with his father in law. They both sold their farms in 1816 and went west to Ohio. 30 Oct 1815 Alexander Ewing purchased land in Ohio--s 9 36, s 9 26, s 8 14) Alexander and his wife settled in Jackson Twp, Trumbull Co (later Mahoning Co). In 1821, they bought 121 acres for 3$ acre. By 1832, they built a large colonial brick house. Raised 11 children. In April 1857, they sold their farm and moved to Pricetown, and bought a small house. He was buried in Vaughn Cemetary in Milton Twp, Mahoning Co, not far from their homes.

Married Mary Battles in 1811 in Crawford Co PA. Mary was born 28 Aug 1792 in Washington Co PA and died 19 Nov 1871 in Trumbell Co OH. Daughter of Beriah and Mary Jones Battles. Beriah (1763 -1 Sep 1838) was an Early settler in Frenchtown PA, buying 150 acres in 1799. Beriah and Mary moved to OH with Alexander and daughter Mary sometime in 1816. Settled in Weathersfield Twp.. He may be the War of 1812 Private Beriah Battles with the 135 Regiment (Christy's), Pennsylvania Militia. Beriah was a Township Supervisor in Crawford County. Beriah was the son of another Beriah Battles, who was reportedly a soldier in the Revolutionary War.

1810 census: Crawford Co, PA

1820 census: Trumbull Co. OH

1830 census: couldnt find

1840 census: couldnt find

1850 census: Jackson Twp, Mahoning Co, OH Alexander age 67 born PA, Mary age 57 born OH, Mary age 16 born OH, Asa age 10 born OH, Levi age 19 (teacher) born OH, Silas age 23 born PA (physician)

1860 census: cant find Mary

1870 census: Orange Twp, Hancock Co, OH Mary age 77, living with son John age 55 and wife Mary age 32, and Frank age 27, physician, Hyram (sp?) age 20, schoolteacher, Eliza Ann age 16, Flora May age 5, Chase age 4, Calvin age 3, Sophia age 1, Cora Lee age 2 months.

Children: (there is detailed genealogical info about the descendants of all these children in Harrison W Ewing's genealogy of Alexander & Mary)

Dr. George Ewing (born 8 May 1823; Trumbull Co OH) see above

John A. Ewing (born 25 Dec 1814; Crawford Co, PA) Farmer. (teacher as young man, lay minister as adult). First wife named Sarah, age 20 on 1860 census for Hancock Co OH: kids Shia (sp?), Franklin, Thomas, Hyram, Eliza. John remarried Mary Jane Battles on 17 May 1863 in Hancock Co OH. ANother source has his married to Elizabeth Clemmens?

William Boyd Ewing (born 23 Feb 1813; Crawford Co, PA) m. Mary Fusselman. LLived in Hancock Co, OH.

Beriah Ewing (born 2 Apr 1817; Trumbull Co, OH) married Hannah Henry (Nancy's sister) on 23 Feb 1843 in Trumbull Co. Lived in Hancock Co OH

Benjamin Lane Ewing (born 9 Jun 1819; Trumbull Co OH) marries a Eve Wolfcale (Eva Wolfgale) on 4 Jul 1843 in Trumbull Co OH. Later moved to Big Rapids MI, in the lumber business.

Ralph (1820) was "interested in hardware merchandizing." married Margaret Wolfcale.

Dr. Silas Ewing (born 2 Mar 1826; Trumbull Co, OH) married Elizabeth Shively

Nancy Ewing (born 19 Mar 1828; Trumbull Co, OH) married George Ormsby, farmer.

Levi Ewing (born 29 Apr 1831; Trumbull Co, OH) (school teacher in his youth). married Mary Ann Shively.

Mary Ewing (born 28 Oct 1833; Trumbull Co, OH) married Nathaniel Bundige (sp?), farmer.

Asa Ewing (born 14 Feb 1839; Trumbull Co, OH) marries Lcuy Fenton on 1 Nov 1860 in Mahoning CO, OH


William Ewing m. Jane McBride

William Ewing was born 13 Jul 1748 in West Nantmel Twp, Chester Co PA. Died 3 Sep 1831 in Cumberland Co PA. In 1778, Private, 6th class in the Militia (Revolutionary War). Was fined 40 pounds for refusing to serve a tour of duty. Not exactly a hero...Many of these Ewing family records come from the Big Spring church in Newville, Cumberland Co. In 1788 the Reverend Samuel WIlson took a census of his flock, including many Ewings. Margaret Ewing Fife's book also lists some land transactions and property records...

Married Jane McBride(b 19 Sep 1753 in PA) on 8 Oct 1772 in PA. Jean was the daughter of Alexander McBride and Ann Dixon. Alexander McBride (1730-1805 in Dickinson CO PA) Alexander came to Cumberland Co before 1750. Married in May 1747 (#1: Ann Dixon). #2 was Mary Green in 1799. Lived at Three Springs, near Wm Ewing. 1752 land deed for 150 acres. 1762 tax rolls show 200 acres. Was captured by Indians and released after 3 days.

1790 Cumberland Co, Hopewell, Newton, Tyborn and Westpensboro Twp, p 77

1800 Cumberland Co Dickenson Twp, p224

1810 Cumberland Co, Dickinson Twp, p 25

1820 Cumberland Co, Dickinson Twp, p 41

1830 cant find him


6. Alexander Ewing (b 22 Nov 1782) see above.

3. Mary Ewing 5 May 1776 died young.

2. THomas Ewing 8 Apr 1775 died young.

5. William Ewing 16 Aug 1780- 16 Jul 1853. married #1 Joanna Thuston, #2 Phoebe Kingsley

4. Robert Ewing 29 May 1778- married Nancy Metcalf in KY in 1806.

1. Nancy Ewing 4 Aug 1774 m James Morssion

11. George Ewing 1 May 1795- 29 Mar 1849. Married Eleanor Patterson, stayed in Cumberland CO.

9. James Ewing 6 Oct 1790-24 jun 1849 Perry CO PA.

10. John Nailer Ewing 25 Jan 1793-, moved to Schuyler Co IL.

8. Ralph Ewing 4 Mar 1788-21 apr 1866, moved to Boone Co IL, taught school there.

7. Elizabeth Ewing 25 Dec 1787-29 Apr 1829. married John Nelson on 7 Dec 1815.

12. Jean/Jane/Jennie Ewing b 11 Sep 1797 died Oct 1854 unmarried.


William Ewing m. Mary Logan (Jane/Jean Robertson???)

William Ewing was born in 1712 in Coleraine, Northern Ireland. Died ~ 1766 in Cumberland Co PA. Abt age 15 when he arrived in Nottingham Twp, Cecil Co, MD. By 1735 he had married. First wife was Mary Logan, then second wife was her sister Martha. Then moved to Cumberland Co PA between 1751-1761. On Jan 29, 1761 he bought a plantation from Thomas Patton, which he named Plainfield. 290 acres at Three Springs, in what was then West Pennsborough Twp, Cumberland Co PA. On the Yellow Breeches Creek.

Married Mary Logan on date and place. After Mary died, he married her sister Martha. May 7, 1750 York Co deed mentions "William Ewing and his wife, Jean."??


William Ewing (b 1748) see above.

Thomas 1743 married Marianne Leeper,

John 1738 married Sarah Gladney

James 1736-1789 married Elizabeth Leeper


William Ewing m. Eliza Milford

William Ewing was born in 1660 on River Forth, near Stirling Castle in Scotland. Fled with his parents and brothers to Londonderry, Ireland. Was there during the seige. Crop failure of 1726. Then moved to Coleraine. Sailed to America from Belfast on the "Eagle Wing" in 1727 with 16 Ewings and three families of cousins--the Porters, Gillespies, and Breadings, and also their friends the Caldwells. Arrived in New Jersey, crossed the Delaware, part of Penn, and settled in Cecil Co Maryland. Wm was unmarried when he came.

Married Eliza Milford on (date?) in Maryland. She was his second wife (had one child, Nathaniel, by his first wife.


Nathaniel (1692) mother is first wife)

William Ewing (b 1712)



James married Margaret Sargeant

Samuel 1710 m. Margaret LNU

Ann 1706 m. Rev Joseph Cowden

Joshua 1700 m. Jane Gillespie



William Ewing m. ?

William Ewing was born in 1630 in Scotland. Died in Londonderry, in Northern Ireland. "William of Glasgow" and "William of Loch Lomond". Born near these places, after marriage he settled on the River Forth near Stirling Castle. Compelled to flee from this place (Catholic King James I of England persecuted the Protestants).Sought refuge with his family on the Isle of Bute, then drifted to Londonderry in N. Ireland (was once Derry, then taken over by the Brits).

No one has been able to find records for our specific Ewing ancestors in Scotland, and many have looked--but there is agreement among the genealogists (including Reid Ewing) that the Ewings were living in west central Scotland, near Glasgow. They were located on the River Forth, near Stirling Castle, in the vicinity of Loch Lomond.

According to tradition, the Ewings of America trace their origin to six stalwart Presbyterian brothers who engaged in insurrection against the Catholic government in 1685, a battle in which they were defeated. It is told that after this defeat, our Ewing ancestors first went from their seat on the River Forth to the Isle of Bute, in Scotland, and then settled at or near Coleraine, County Londonderry, of Ulster, in Northern Ireland. One of these stalwart brothers was William Ewing, our ancestor. His children were all born in Ireland and it is known that he had several wives. There are lots of records for the Scotch-Irish Ewing family in Ireland, so that part is confirmed.

On July 12, 1690, members of the Ewing family took part in the Battle of the Boyne, fought on the river of that name in Eastern Ireland. The contestants were the forces of James II and William of Orange. The result of the battle was the complete overthrow of James, thus forcing his abdication and establishing the rule of William and Mary. It is reported that three Ewing men lost their lives in the Battle of the Boyne. Captain Findlay Ewing, (born about 1650, either brother or cousin to our William) was awarded a silver sword by King William in recognition of bravery during the battle. The sword was silver-handled and was worn during the American Revolution by a Dr. Thomas Ewing, an army surgeon and great grandson of its original owner. A ship called the "Eagle Wing" transported the Ewings from Northern Ireland to America about 1725. The children of William Ewing settled in Cecil County, Maryland and Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

Married unnknown.


William Ewing (b 1660)

Charles (kids: Charles and Robert)

Robert 1654 kids: Elizabeth, Margaret (m Porter, mother of Rachel), Alexander

James 1650 (son Findlay married Jane Porter)